Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thrift Shopping!

Now that Nathan is getting a little easier to cart out in public, I've spent some time thrift shopping. I went to Salvation Army the other day and picked up 3 shirts for $5.99. The one I'm wearing right now is an Old Navy brown waffle print hoodie - tags still on it. I also picked up this shirt:

It was $.99. It's super long (I struggle with shirts showing my belly too much, so this is a huge plus), and American Apparel. It's also super, super soft.

I haven't been clothes shopping at Salvation Army in years, since I made $9 an hour and was in my first apartment and seriously couldn't afford anything. But it's fun when you have a bunch of free time, for sure. My aim is to get a dress for an upcoming wedding for cheap.

Oh, and I bought a second breast pump - a manual one. I'm going to keep it in the diaper bag for emergency situations. I'd been thinking about buying it knowing it was $40 - but at building 19 they had them for $16. Sold.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates. Some of you know we spent two weeks in the hospital with Nathan, who had bacterial meningitis. Thankfully, we caught it early and he will be no worse for the wear, pending a hearing test (but it's obvious he can hear just fine).

Today we stopped by a place called Used Book Superstore in Burlington. They have books for 10% of their list price, and all childrens' books are a dollar. I bought a book on raising poultry as well as four or five cute-looking books for Nathan. I'll need to troll craigslist for a wooden bookcase for his room, I think.